Hi, I’m Touya!

and It’s my honor to help you Achieve {end result}

Icing jelly icing biscuit chocolate caramels wafer. Topping candy canes donut sugar plum croissant liquorice. Cookie cake powder. Marzipan wafer chocolate bar pie chocolate liquorice marzipan.

But it didn’t start out that way!   

Dessert ice cream chocolate dessert cake sweet pie pie. Jelly candy dessert gummi bears cake tootsie roll gummies. Muffin cotton candy halvah cheesecake jelly carrot cake icing cake sweet. Toffee apple pie liquorice.

And that’s exactly what {your offer} is all about.

Hi, I’m Touya

I’m a mother, blogger, budget coach and I love Jesus!

And like you, I’ve struggled with my finances, time management, fear, and finding my purpose just to name a few.

You see I was broke, going to church and believing God for a breakthrough. Nevertheless, no matter how many times I prayed, named it and claimed it, tapped my neighbor, and/or called money down from heaven. I was STILL buried under a mountain of debt.

I was sick of my financial mess. Tired of living check to check and going around in circles all the time. I desperately wanted out and didn’t know what to do. I was unorganized, had clutter for days, sucked at time management and was struggling to find focus and purpose.

When I began blogging, my family was buried under a mountain of debt and it was impacting every other area in my life.

I desperately wanted out.

I was sick and tired of being broke, working hard with nothing to show for it, living paycheck to paycheck, not accomplishing my personal goals, being stressed out, and going in circles all the time.

It was awful!

With God’s help I was able to pay off $60,000 of debt in less than 2 years.

And after getting my finances in order, I could clearly see all the other areas in my life that were chaotic and disorganized. And that’s when I began the journey to get everything else together. Because when faith meets action it will impact every other area of your life for the better.

Random facts about me:

I like to eat but I do NOT enjoy cooking.
I used to keep books in my stove.

People say I’m an introvert. I do enjoy quiet though because I gain strength and get recharged in those silent moments.

People say “if you don’t want the truth don’t ask Touya.” LOL – love that!!

Insert Pic of Me and Taylor

Thanks For Reading My Story But Don’t Think This Site Is All About Me

Who This Site Is For

This site is for woman who are stressed out about money and want financial peace. Who feel overwhelmed because there aren’t enough hours in the day to handle all the things.

For the lady who is discouraged or afraid that needs encouragement. And those who feel like there are too many obstacles between them and their goals.

Without a doubt, this site is for the woman wants to get control of her time, her life and above all – live a life that is pleasing to God.

What I Blog About

How to Manage Money »

Personal Growth »


Faith »

At The Broke Edit you will find everyday solutions to help you manage the money, time, and life God has given you well.

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