
Organize Your Life | How to Set Financial Goals

Tired of feeling like you’re you’re trying so hard, but you’re just not making progress with your money? Or do you ever feel like you’ve been working your butt off, but when you look around, you never have much to show for it? Help is on the way. Use these tips to help you organize your life and learn how to set financial goals today.

Organize Your Life How to Set Financial Goals

Here’s the thing: If you don’t set goals for your money, you’ll probably keep feeling like all you’re doing is working to pay your bills and not making any progress whatsoever. If you want to finally get moving, it’s time to make some financial goals.

What are financial goals?

A financial goal is any plan you have for your money. You can have short-term and long-term goals. For example, saving up $1,000 is a short-term goal, while investing for retirement is a long-term financial goal. Your goals should give you focus and keep you accountable, no matter how long they take to make happen!

Organize Your Life: Here’s 5 Steps to Setting Financial Goals

Use these tips to help you organize your life and learn how to set financial goals today.

1. Income Goal

There are many popular savings goals like creating and sticking to a budget, building up an emergency fund, pay down debt, save for retirement, spend less and save more to name a few. But whatever those goals are I find a big part of that is having an income goal. I personally try to make $500 an extra a month.

Here’s the thing: If you want to save more money or have higher savings in your account getting control of your income a great way to start. Especially since your largest wealth building tool is your income. By simply working a few extra hours or doing a sticking to a budget you can in most cases easily give yourself a raise.

2. Savings Goal

So whatever you are saving for it needs to have a specific amount attached to it. for me it’s to save $500 a month. I don’t always hit this goal but having helps me get close to it. It remind sme of the sayin if you reach for the moon you will land upon the stars.

3. Debt Reduction Goal

Set a goal to pay of xxx amount of dollars of debt. Take yout time and do the best you can. For example if you have $50,000 of debt, you may not be able to pay it off in 6 months but uif you set a goal to pay off $10,000 this year you can begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel

4. Budget Goal

Whatever your goal here to make one, stick one and get organized this is a habit tracking goal. Mine is specifically to track my expenses. Though I am now debt free, that in no way means I have arrived to billionaire status. Truth is if I don’t track my expenses my budget will completely, utterly, fall of the rails. So, that’s my goal there.

5. Investing Goal

My goal is to invest $1,000 a month into my Roth IRA and my daughters 529 savings account.

6. Add Stickers to Your Planner & Personalize

There is a reason this is last. Sometimes we fall into the pretty of our planner that we get lost on the productivity part. This is a killer when it comes to setting goals. Deck out your planners with highlighters, stickers, oli cips, and what have you but make sure to set the goals and write them down and avoid getting lost in the sauce.

So now you that you have finished reading the tips for How to Organize Your Life: Setting 5 Financials Goals use them to set your own goals at the beginning of each year or when you need to refocus your goals because the season in your life has changed.

Set your income goals, savings goals, debt reduction goals, budget goals, investing goals, and then make it all planner pretty and have some fun with it to keep you motivated.

Organize Your Life How to Set Financial Goals

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